Belly Fat Burning Workout

5 min readNov 1, 2021


Bodyweight 6 Pack ABS Workouts are intended for Men and Women of all fitness levels.

Belly Fat:- The first thing you need to do is reduce belly fat by eating right. You need to get in plenty of greens to help remove your belly fat. Low-fat yogurt is very effective in making you lose your belly fat and you can try various low fat yogurt recipes. Including fat in your diet is necessary to lose belly fat.

Abs Workouts:- Do 30 seconds on each side of each exercise, with a 10 second break in-between. These are super strong ab workouts for men and women alike. They work your whole midsection without stretching you out.

20 Exercises For Stomach Muscles:-

13. Side Plank Hold Right & Left

Bodyweight 6 Pack, the ultimate home workout:-

Belly Fat 10 Exercises In 5 Min (No Rest)

Each Exercise:- 30Sec Rest

7. Plank Hold Right & Left

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

4. Spiderman Push Ups Across

5 Min Ab Workout (No Rest)

Each Exercise:- 30Sec, No Rest

7. Low Plank To High Plank Switch

9. Side Plank Hold Right & Left

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

1. Switching Mountain climbers

2. Side Plank Hold Right & Left

Burn Belly Fat At Home (No Equipments)

Each Exercise:- 30Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

2. Switching Mountain climbers

4. Side Plank Hold Right & Left

6 Pack Abs You Can Do Anywhere

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 10Sec Rest

How to Maintain the Results from a Belly Fat Burning Workout:-

Get 6 Pack Abs Series Part 1 (No Equipments)

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

2. Side Plank Hold Right & Left

4. Side Plank Reach Through Right &

Get 6 Pack Abs Series Part 2

Required Equipment’s:- Pull Up Bar, Dips Bar.

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

1. Legs Raises (Dips Bar)

2. High Knees Raises (Dips Bar)

3. Corner Raises (Dips Bar)

4. L-Sit Kicks (Dips Bar)

Get 6 Pack Abs Series Part 3 (No Equipments)

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 10Sec Rest

7. Side Plank Hold Right & Left

Get 6 Pack Abs Series Part 4

Required Equipment’s:- Pull Up Bar, Dips Bar.

Each Exercise:- 20Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 15Sec Rest

Each Exercise:- 10Sec Rest

7. Corner Raises (Dips Bar)

5. Dumbbell Ab Extensions

The Best Tummy Exercises To Help You Lose Your Belly Fat Fast:-

As your weight is stabilised, the body tends to pull fat and carbs from the muscle mass and gets rid of it from the body. This is the natural way to lose fat mass. While on the physical front, our body responds to hormone changes. And if you aren’t able to burn fat efficiently, your metabolism goes haywire, and eventually you will not be able to get rid of belly fat.

When you work out regularly, your body will immediately begin to burn extra calories.

Benefits of Exercising Your Abs Every Day:-

*Work to burn fat, tone your body, relieve your lower back pain, build and tone your core.

*At the same time work your core and abs along with your lower body.

*Improve your posture and posture.

*Cuts down your back pain.

*Gives you a flat stomach and definition of your belly.

*Stronger shoulders and back.

*Keeps your weight under control.

*Suitable for beginners and those who are seriously overweight.

*Keeps your weight under control.

*Lower back pain relief.

*Keeps blood sugar and glucose levels in check.

*Increases endurance and burns calories.

*Improves flexibility and posture.

*Flexibility and posture. You can easily use the following steps to improve your posture and fitness.

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Belly Fat Burning Workout:-

1) Drink a lot of water every day- Drinking a glass of water every hour keeps you hydrated, and promotes healthy weight loss.

2) Avoid Sugar is something you need to avoid at all costs when you are trying to lose weight. Besides increasing your chances of gaining weight if you are overweight, it also decreases your metabolism and actually contributes to belly fat. Sugar is converted in the body to fat, which increases your belly fat.

3) Count calories — Use a calorie tracker to keep track of what you are eating. The ratio of calories is called the ratio of calories to protein and carbohydrates. Too much protein and carbohydrates in your diet will increase your metabolic rate and you will burn more fat.

4) Focus on low-carb foods- High — carb diets promote fat storage, and in turn contribute to belly fat. You can find a healthy diet plan that helps you lose weight, and reduce your belly fat, here.

5) Make time to exercise- You can reduce belly fat through exercise. Even if you don’t have time to go to the gym, just go for a walk and get your heart pumping. This will improve your mental health, and reduce stress.

40 Sec Work & 20 Sec Break each Exercise

3. Cable or Resistance Band Rotation

4 Week Flow add your Abs routine & gat fast results

45 Sec Work & 15 Sec break each Exercise

2. Hanging Leg Raises (Toes To bar)

9. Double Leg Raise Isometric Hold

All About Abdominal Muscles Workout Plan from home workouts.

Try this workout Plan Abdominal Muscles Building Bodyweight Workout Training Plan.

Originally published at on November 1, 2021.

